In 2013, we were pleased to make grants totaling $2,509,556. Collaboration is very important at the Foundation. In 2013, we were fortunate to work with several organizations within our region bringing grant dollars to several projects. In one, we worked with the City of Midland, the Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation and the Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundations to help upgrade electrical facilities and giving certain streets safer sidewalks. This will not only help with needed repairs, it will attract new business and people to downtown Midland. We also worked with the Foundations, Dow Chemical, Dow Corning and Michigan State University to bring the MSU Midland Research Institute for Value Chain Creation to our region. The Institute will be a long-term home for academic excellence and applicable research. It is designed to achieve international recognition for Midland-based research on supply chain, packaging and related issues.
Marian Cimbalik has been with the Foundation for 12 years and retired at the end of 2013. The Trustees of the Foundation granted $250,000 in her honor for Marian and her husband, Tom, to help organizations of their choosing. Please enjoy the grantee letter and learn how one of their choices is making a difference in Auburn. Marian and Tom also granted dollars to the Boyne Area Community Christmas, Challenge Mountain, First Presbyterian Church, and State Theatre of Bay City. Marian will be missed and her contributions to the Foundation have been immeasurable.
In closing, I want to thank the Trustees for their contributions and hard work for the Foundation. They volunteer their time and talent and help keep Charles J. Strosacker’s vision alive. We are looking forward to another year of philanthropy and the wonderful
organizations we are able to serve.
Bobbie N. Arnold
President & CEO